
Saving some money on your grocery shop !!

The top 10 ideas for saving money on your grocery shop  If you are anything like us you will find you are spending far too much money on food.. We are a family of 8 and a cat it dose not have to be expensive if you try these top 10 tips  1...                          EAT IN ALL WEEK !!                                     We will eat 5 deliciously quick and easy meals through out the week.  Our kids are at school they will only have a small lunch. So when they get back to us of a night they are starving. They all love a hearty meal of an evening after schools done. Of a weekend we can splash the bit of cash we saved through out the week so we can have a takeaway or go out to eat or a movie lots of family fun time....  2....                                  Have a meal plan!!                 We as a family find if we do not do a meal plan we will spend near £200 a week on food shopping. (scary isnt it) So the night before i do the food shop i will sit down and write out 5


ALFIE-LEE HE MADE MARIO OUT OF PLAYDOH WITH NO PICTURE TO HELP HIM So my son Alfie-lee has recently in October just gone been diagnosed with ADHD. Although it was a bit of a shock we still expected it.We had been on the ADHD pathway since his diagnosis of ASD in February.When we went to see his ADHD doctor i thought it was just to tell us about the pathway and he had more appointments. As anyone who has been on the ASD pathway will know what i mean with all the appointments you have through out the diagnosis. I dont think i'd ever seen that many professional doctors before we went through that. I think it was about 4 maybe 5 stages of the ASD pathway and constent appointments at school too. So when we went to his FIRST ADHD appointment i wasn't expecting the diagnosis there and then.  Our appointments for the pediatrician doctors are based at my doctors surgery so in a way its a good thing we are there a lot so Alfie knew the surgery it wasn't somewhere new.  Anywa

My artist Demi-Leigh

Demi-Leigh  I thought i would just take this time to show off some of my baby girls work. Demi-Leigh  is 13 years old she practices art pretty much every spare second.. Okay here is just a few of her drawings. These are just a few of the pictures she has drawn.I think she is amazing and should definitely keep it up.... 

5 easy mid-week dinners

                                        5 FAVORITE EVENING MEALS                             1/   MASH POTATO AND MINCE WITH PEAS AND CARROTS This dish is so yummy there dad makes them this and they eat every bit.  2/ CORN BEEF HASH Kristy's favorite she will pick this every time..  3/ HOME MADE PIZZAS  THE KIDS LOVE THESE BECAUSE THEY CAN MAKE THERE OWN  4/  spaghetti and meatballs                       We do love this meal the kids absolutely love spaghetti done like this  5/ sausages mash potato veggies & gravy                   This is a really hearty meal its lovely on a cold night this is my favorite of all  All 5 meals take around an hour or under to prepare i dont get into our house intill 4.30 so these are simple but filling meals for all of us to enjoy together.. 


Meet my Babies !!  I thought i would use this part of the blog to introduce my whole world. These six make my life  Nicole is 16 years old her birthdays is in July. Her interests are music playing video games especially dead by daylight and danganronpa she also love anything Japanese and is learning how to speak the language. She also loves vines. Nicole has recently just been diagnosed with OCD. Me and her dad knew it would happen her anxiety has been through the roof lately. Being 16 in this crazy world was enough to be anxious about but this was different. She would obsessively worry about anything and everything. She would constantly wash her hands her work at college was suffering she had to have it perfect and was taking far too long about it. This would lead to her being upset because she never had it done on time. Nicole had problems making friends in year 7 and she got so stressed and anxious we had to home school her for her own mental health. So


Hello  there !!  Thanks for stopping by my name is Sarah i am 34 years old i have 6 gorgeous children, one fabulous husband, and one cute cat his name is Gerald. ( my 16 year old named him from the witcher game ) This is a year of my families life.  Our life is pretty busy, We have a 16 year old shes in college. A 15 year old about to sit her GCSE'S that is a scary thought...  A 13 year old about to go on a home schooling journey for at least 3 years. A 11 year old he has ADHD and ASD both been diagnosed. A sassy 9 year old shes just gone into year 5  and a 7 year old son who also has ASD and has a lot of other health problems then there is Gerald our cute kitten well hes 21 weeks old  Life is hectic right now for a family of 8 +1. But i am about to blog it all.....   all the craziness  the sickness the laughter the sadness the love... hope you enjoy reading about us for the next year ....                     Oh my gosh (or as my 9 year old would say)  OMG its 2