Hello there !! 
Thanks for stopping by my name is Sarah i am 34 years old i have 6 gorgeous children, one fabulous husband, and one cute cat his name is Gerald. ( my 16 year old named him from the witcher game )
This is a year of my families life. 
Our life is pretty busy, We have a 16 year old shes in college. A 15 year old about to sit her GCSE'S that is a scary thought... 
A 13 year old about to go on a home schooling journey for at least 3 years. A 11 year old he has ADHD and ASD both been diagnosed. A sassy 9 year old shes just gone into year 5  and a 7 year old son who also has ASD and has a lot of other health problems then there is Gerald our cute kitten well hes 21 weeks old 

Life is hectic right now for a family of 8 +1.
But i am about to blog it all.....  
all the craziness the sickness the laughter the sadness the love...
hope you enjoy reading about us for the next year ....

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Oh my gosh (or as my 9 year old would say)  OMG its 2019 so what did 2018 bring for us
well lets see .........
My oldest boy Alfie-Lee  got 2 diagnosis,s of ASD and ADHD.
We knew he would get the ASD one he had been getting tested for it for a long time,but the ADHD one was a complete shock. Hes now on medication and its working just fine for the school. This all happened in a matter of months.
My youngest boy Jack-Dylan  Hes on the ASD pathway to be diagnosed.I think we are  all 1000 % sure he has it we just have to wait for confirmation. He also has reflux , global developmental delay  and chronic kidney disease stage 2. He will be having surgery at some point but we want it a lot later. He has to have checks every 6 months and get blood taken. 
Nicole my oldest  has just had a diagnosis of OCD just before Christmas.  So not much of a good year for us really but out of all whats happend the thing that got me the most was that I was thinking of things we got up to last year. Then i suddenly realized that time passes us by so fast i never get the chance to sit and really take in anything we do or have done.So then i came up with a great idea of an online journal or blog to keep track of all the fun stuff and not so fun things we do each day...

So today we never actually did a lot. The kids are still off school /college , so there just enjoying there time lounging around the house on there games and the stuff they got for Christmas.

The rest of the week is quite busy. Nicole has her work experience tomorrow in a art gallery in town.  I will be dropping in to see her afterwards and taking my older girls with me. we are hopefully going to have a few hours together go and see a film and some food. Then on Saturday am going to see my little bro who i haven't been to see for almost a year. So am pretty excited about that. My mum lives quite far away so i dont get to see her much either.This year i made it a new years resolution to make much more of an effort this year so will be heading down to see her every 2 weeks Starting on the 12th January. She lives in penrith Cumbria its so nice up there my kids love it its so quiet. 

I guess the main reason i want to blog is that it is something for me. I really love writing and i guess with so much technology these days no one really wants to blog when they can vlog. 

I am not so confident at being on camera i hate my voice too so that dose not help. 

Last year we never did much in terms of holidays or days out. This year i am completely hopeful we will get a lot more done.So starting this blog is going to help me keep track of what we do and when we did it. 

I am looking for new blogs to read, am not a massive fan of you tube much anymore and would like to read of more families adventures and fun. You will learn more about us each new post.I will be looking to put up my new blog post every night at 11 pm. My kids go to bed at 9.30 gives me time to have a cup of tea and get doing my blog posts. 

So everyone who is reading this Thank you and i wish you and all your family a very HAPPY NEW YEAR...... X0X0 


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