Saving some money on your grocery shop !!

The top 10 ideas for saving money on your grocery shop 

If you are anything like us you will find you are spending far too much money on food.. We are a family of 8 and a cat it dose not have to be expensive if you try these top 10 tips 

1...                          EAT IN ALL WEEK !! 
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We will eat 5 deliciously quick and easy meals through out the week. 
Our kids are at school they will only have a small lunch. So when they get back to us of a night they are starving. They all love a hearty meal of an evening after schools done.
Of a weekend we can splash the bit of cash we saved through out the week so we can have a takeaway or go out to eat or a movie lots of family fun time.... 

2....                                Have a meal plan!! 
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We as a family find if we do not do a meal plan we will spend near £200 a week on food shopping. (scary isnt it) So the night before i do the food shop i will sit down and write out 5 meals we all like.Then i will write a list of what i need to cook them. I will buy boxes of cereals,some snacks  juice milk and fruit. I can get our weekly food shop down to £75 for everything. I will need milk and bread through the week so in total £120 saved for a hours work the night before its so worth it.  

3..     Never go food shopping hungry
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I have so much experience with this tip. I will now only go shopping after breakfast or after lunch.If you go on a empty tummy everything will look yummy.You will literally buy everything you see. Same on a full tummy you wont want anything, everything will make you feel sick. Go shopping in between meals and take light snacks with you fruit or granola bar so if you get hungry you can nip it in the bud.

4..        Use up all left overs -
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This will apply for almost all meals. Any meats you cook that night half it gammon can last 3 days. Chicken can be used in curries stews and sandwich's. When you make bolognese sauce batch cook it and put some away for the next week you can save a lot of money through doing this. You could google what foods are okay to freeze if your unsure.You will be very surprised what you can freeze  

5...          Take your own bags 

This one is very self explanatory. You will never save a million by taking your own bags but it all helps.Maybe next time you take your own bags you could put 10p in jar for each bag and check after 6 months see how much you saved.It might surprise you 

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This one is one of my favorites here in the u.k we have a store called Tesco. Tesco dose club card points so every three months we will get a voucher to spend on what ever we want in the Tesco store. You get 1 point for every £1 you spend you can even use it for days out instead witch by the way is what we are using ours for this month. Check if any of your local supermarkets do anything that way you are being rewarded for being a loyal customer.

7..      Browse online before you shop
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So if you have a good meal plan for the week take a little peak of your local stores offers before you go. They might have a deal on the mince you can make a good 4 meals with that that's a lot saved.I always check there meats and there laundry prices compare them to each other go to the one with the better offers. After all a pound is a pound and its much better off in your pocket.

8..           Shop online 
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I do this some weeks. Most supermarkets will do a 4 week trial for delivery so you will get delivery free for 4 weeks make the most of it. You can cancel the last week. If you do your shop online you will be much more comfortable. If they dont have something you have plenty of time to search for a great alternative. You can just put the stuff on your list in the basket No junk 

9..       Ration out the snacks 
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If you have quite a few kids like us you should buy a few family packs and share it yourself. You can buy snack bags for a few pence. A large bag of popcorn is £1 but a multi pack of 6 popcorn is £2.10. You can make more than enough with the full family share bag and its much cheaper and quite a big savings. 

10...        Try there own brand
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When me and my hubby first got together we had brand food only 17 years later i actually prefer Tesco or Asda's own brand food its so much cheaper and 90% of the food tastes the same. If your a brand snob and your food bill is quite high try changing over 1 item per week. Just try it if you like it you will save a tun of money each week. Come onnn  what do you have to lose 
