So my son Alfie-lee has recently in October just gone been diagnosed with ADHD. Although it was a bit of a shock we still expected it.We had been on the ADHD pathway since his diagnosis of ASD in February.When we went to see his ADHD doctor i thought it was just to tell us about the pathway and he had more appointments. As anyone who has been on the ASD pathway will know what i mean with all the appointments you have through out the diagnosis. I dont think i'd ever seen that many professional doctors before we went through that. I think it was about 4 maybe 5 stages of the ASD pathway and constent appointments at school too. So when we went to his FIRST ADHD appointment i wasn't expecting the diagnosis there and then. 
Our appointments for the pediatrician doctors are based at my doctors surgery so in a way its a good thing we are there a lot so Alfie knew the surgery it wasn't somewhere new. 
Anyway our appointment was at 10 am so nice and early yippee.Except alfie was in no mood to eat and felt anxious all morning. By the time we got to the surgery he was kind of okay and was asking for food. I told him we would get breakfast after his appointment he wasn't very happy but moved on from the topic. It was 10.15 when the nurse called us through Alfie got excited ((he despises waiting )) We go through and take a seat then i realize shes only taking his height and weight and was kind of regretting Alfie being so excited as we have to go and wait again. After she was done she asked us to wait outside. Alfie was not happy.... 
We went and sat down well i did Alfie had other ideas by this time his legs were in full move mode. He was literally running around in circles in the waiting room people glancing at me...(( dont worry its been 11 years i was used to it )) He was in full run mode he was so fast he couldn't just stop he had to slow down first the male doctor called him in... 
"YESSS FINALLY " He shouted i saw the doctor give a smirk.
We sat down in the doctors room straight away Alfie started          " Do you have food ? " 
"No sorry" the doctor said 
Ooh no i was so embarrassed.... 
"My mum promised me a free breakfast when i got here." 
I have no idea were he got that from. I told him i would take him the cafe after we finished up here but it wouldn't be free. Just then he pointed to the poster on the doctors wall it said free in big letters and breakfast underneath it. 
He went on about the food so much the poor doctor gave him a banana in witch i am sure that was part of his lunch. 
Around 15 minutes and a lot of questions later he showed me some results he pulled out of Alfie's tests for ADHD. The next few seconds were blank i just remember him saying He has got ADHD....  I felt my tears wanting to come out and i struggled very hard to keep them at bay. 
The next thing we was talking about was medication i'd never actually thought about medicating him ever... We talked about it in great length about 25 minutes he went over what each one was and what each one dose to help..  We came upon one he thought would be best for Alfie he said i could talk to him when ever i liked gave me his contact details and said he would send a prescription  out in the post. Alfie handled it very well although the next week was a hard one, his behavior went off the scale because he more and more anxious about taking medication. Until one night he came to me and we talked for a good hour about all his questions, and how he was feeling. We have the best talks some days.. He was okay after that and the script came not so long after.
We went that day to pick up his tablets. I  have never felt so guilty about anything ever.. This feeling was the worst. I could never explain it , it was guilt and anger with a hatred for myself. I hated myself because i am giving him medication when hes so young.I t breaks my heart that we have to do this to him on a daily basis. I now have seen him take the medication he takes it so well. He gives a little giggle and then sticks out his tongue to show me that he swallowed it. I know that it is to help him concentrate at school that,s good for him but this feeling is always there.  
I guess most parents don't want to medicate there child, but when we weighed up the odds it just made sense to at least medicate school days. 
